Monitor a Website for Changes with Add Screenshots

Applies to:   Pro Plan  Enterprise Plan

Monitoring and tracking website changes with Add Screenshots provides businesses with valuable insights into competitor activity, price fluctuations, and website health. By automating the process of capturing and storing screenshots, businesses can save time and resources while improving decision-making and customer satisfaction. With features such as scheduled screenshots, track changes, and customizable change detection conditions, Add Screenshots offers a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to stay ahead in today's competitive market.

A full audit history of website changes can be tracked and archived over time using a schedule to monitor the website at configurable intervals such as daily. The old, new, and changes (diff) images can be saved to your cloud repository such as an AWS S3 Bucket or Azure Blob Storage account when a change is detected.

Use Cases for Monitoring and Tracking Website Changes

There are many use cases for tracking website changes using screenshots, such as:

  1. Price and Product Changes - send an email when competitors update prices
  2. Search Ranking - track your search engine ranking position over time
  3. Audit Changes - create a daily audit of a web page to record what, when, and how often changes are made
  4. Automated Testing - compare before and after screenshots to review change requests
  5. Brand Tracking - send an email when keywords such as your company's name show up on a review or news website
  6. Health Checks - determine if a website is up and running based on page, text, and element conditions
  7. Dashboard & KPI Tracking - send a notification when the color of a KPI tile changes

How Do I Monitor a Website for Changes?

There are two ways to evaluate a webpage for changes:

  1. Scheduled - define an interval to regularly monitor a website (e.g., hourly, daily, weekly)
  2. On-demand - send a web request to check for changes immediately (e.g., capture before, after, and diff comparison screenshots to highlight changes)

Comparing Scheduled with Track Changes Screenshots

Scheduled screenshots are great when you'd like to capture and store a screenshot at a regular interval. For example, taking a daily screenshot of your competitor's pricing page may produce the following files:

  • pricing 2020-08-01.png
  • pricing 2020-08-02.png
  • pricing 2020-08-03.png
  • ...
  • pricing 2020-08-31.png

Scheduled screenshots with track changes are great when you'd like to capture and store changed screenshots at a regular interval and receive an email notification when a change was detected. For example, taking a daily screenshot of your competitor's pricing page may produce the following files:

  • pricing.png (last version)
  • pricing 2020-08-07.png (send email notification)
  • pricing 2020-08-07 diff.png (optional)
  • pricing 2020-08-25.png (send email notification)
  • pricing 2020-08-25 diff.png (optional)

Using the approach above to track slow-changing web pages, it is possible to achieve the following:

  1. Receive an email notification with the current, previous, and diff screenshot when a change was detected
  2. Determine when and how often a competitor updates their prices (e.g., twice this month)
  3. Track what has changed at a particular time (pricing 2020-08-07 diff.png)
  4. Save on storage by only keeping screenshots when a change was detected
  5. Show the screenshot of the latest prices using a fixed file path (pricing.png)

A comparison between scheduled and track changes screenshots:

DescriptionScheduledTrack Changes
Run at scheduled intervals
Only store changed screenshots
Track when a page was changed
Track what changed between screenshots
Send an email notification when a change was detected

How to Avoid Capturing Noisy, Unintended Changes (Adverts, Banners, Carousels)

Use the HTML to JSON data change tracker to monitor website data only.

Some websites contain dynamic content that changes every time a page is refreshed such as adverts, greeting messages, banners, image carousels, and more.

As a result of the dynamic nature of the page (e.g., different ads loaded every time), the track changes monitor can result in false positives, producing change notification emails when the change wasn't of interest.

There are many ways to address this issue such as using one or more of the options below:

  1. Section - take a screenshot of a specific area such as the pricing table
  2. Hide elements - specify a list of elements to hide in the request template such as the banner
  3. Custom script - use custom JavaScript URL to run code against the page to remove unwanted content
  4. Custom CSS - use a custom CSS URL to hide and optimize the layout
  5. Focus area - scroll to a specific part of the page to take a screenshot of
  6. Crop area - remove unwanted content of the screenshot by cropping dimensions at a specific position
  7. Block ads - by automatically attempting to remove ads from the page

Change Detection Conditions

Change detection provides conditional rules to determine if a web page change is significant enough to be considered a change.

Tolerance %

A tolerance percentage can be specified as a threshold limit when performing a pixel-level comparison between the old and new image before it is considered that the page has changed.

A tolerance of 1% denotes that the comparison is highly sensitive towards minor changes whereas a larger tolerance percentage such as 50% denotes that at least half of the screenshot should change before the page is considered to be updated.

The screen resolution (viewport) size must remain the same for all screenshots in order for the diff comparison to work.

Any of These Conditions

The web page can be evaluated against one or more "OR" conditions, such as:

  • The page contains the text "New York Yankees" OR
  • The page contains the text "Boston Red Sox"

In the example above, monitor the sport or business section of a news website and receive an email notification when your team or company name is mentioned.

All of These Conditions

The web page can be evaluated against all of the required "AND" conditions, such as:

  • The HTTP Status code is 200 (success) AND
  • The page does not contain an error element

In the example above, a change will be ignored when the page contains an error message or when the page is an erroneous state.

"Tolerance %", "Any of these conditions" and "All of these conditions" can be used together to create a powerful change detection strategy.

Setup change tracking in a storage template

Change tracking can be enabled in a storage template. The storage template can then be used in screenshot schedules and on-demand requests.

View the storage template documentation for more information on how to configure change tracking.

Schedule website change tracking

Tracking changes using scheduling requires two templates:

  1. Storage Template - define where to store the screenshots and how to detect changes
  2. Request Template - define how to take screenshots (e.g. of a specific section)

Note: Make sure that the storage template has change tracking enabled.

View the scheduling documentation for more information on how to create, run and monitor the history of a schedule.

Track website changes on demand

Change tracking can be triggered on demand using by using a storage template with tracking changes enabled or using a HTTP POST request.

The following request properties are available:

diff_percentRequiredThe tolerance percentage when performing a pixel level comparison.
Range is 1 (smallest change) to 100 (completely different)
old_fileRequiredThe name or pattern (without the extension) to rename the old screenshots to.
Daily Example: use {filepath}_{date} to save the date when the change was detected.
Time Example: use {filepath}_{datetime} to save the date and time when the change was detected.
old_folderOptionalThe folder name or pattern to store old screenshots to
Same Folder Example: use {domain} to save the old screenshots in the "" folder.
Archive Folder Example: use {domain}_{date} to save the old screenshots in the "example.com_2020-08-25" folder based on when the change was detected.
diff_fileOptionalThe name or pattern (without the extension) to store diff comparison screenshots to. Leave this value blank to ignore diff files.
Daily Example: use {filepath}_{date}_diff to save the date when the change was detected.
Time Example: use {filepath}_{datetime}_diff to save the date and time when the change was detected.
diff_folderOptionalThe folder name or pattern to store diff comparison screenshots to.
Same Folder Example: use {domain}_diff to save the diff screenshots in the "example.com_diff" folder.
Archive Folder Example: use {domain}_{date}_diff to save the diff screenshots in the "example.com_2020-08-25_diff" folder based on when the change was detected.
diff_emailOptionalThe email address to send change notification and diff screenshots to.
Use a semicolon ; separated list for multiple recipients such as:
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
diff_email_subjectOptionalThe subject of the email. Defaults to: "Screenshot change detected"
diff_conditionOptionalA collection of AND and OR conditions to evaluate against the page to determine if a change occurred.
For example:
diff_condition: {
  "any_of": [
    { "text": "New York Yankees" },
    { "text": "Boston Red Sox" }
  "all_of": [
    { "text_not": "An error has occurred" },
    { "text": "Baseball" },
    { "status": 200 },
    { "element_not: "#error" }
  • The page must contain the text "New York Yankees" OR "Boston Red Sox"
  • The page must not contain the text "An error has occurred" AND must contains the text "Baseball" AND has an HTTP status code of 200 (success) AND does not contain the element with the ID "error".

On-Demand Track Changes POST example

The example below is using a comprehensive POST request with:

See more example using the Screenshot API swagger UI.


  "url": "",
  "section": "#fin-chartiq",
  "viewport": "1366x768",
  "quality": "80",
  "azure": "",
  "file": "{filepath}",
  "folder": "{domain}",
  "old_folder": "{domain}",
  "old_file": "{filepath}_{date}",
  "diff_folder": "{domain}",    
  "diff_file": "{filepath}_{date}_diff",
  "diff_percent": 10,
  "diff_condition": {
    "all_of": [
      { "status": 200 },
      { "element": "#fin-chartiq" }
  "diff_email": "[email protected];[email protected]"

Your API key can be found on the API Keys page. Need an API Key? Sign up to get started.
For internal applications, replace YOUR_API_KEY with your own unique API Key.
For public facing websites or hotlinks, generate a signed URL.

On-Demand Track Changes GET example

The following GET request is similar to the POST example above by using a reusable storage (storageid) and request template (templateid) instead.

// Line breaks added for readability

Use the website track changes tool to generate a track changes screenshot.