Choosing Between PNG and JPEG for Website Screenshots

When it comes to taking website screenshots, choosing the right image format is crucial. The two most common formats for screen captures are PNG and JPEG.

PNG is a lossless format, which means that the image quality will not be compromised when saved. This makes it ideal for websites with text, iconic graphics, and other images that require crisp lines and clear details. However, PNG files can be larger in size, which can impact the loading time of your website.

On the other hand, JPEG is a lossy format, which means that some quality is lost when saved. However, JPEG files are typically smaller in size, making them ideal for websites with many photographs or other images with lots of colors and gradients.

When choosing between PNG and JPEG for your website screenshots, it's important to consider the content of your website and the purpose of the screenshot. If you're capturing a screenshot of a website with text and iconic graphics, then PNG may be the better choice. If you're capturing a screenshot of a website with many photographs, then JPEG may be the better choice.

At Add Screenshots, we offer both PNG and JPEG formats for our website screenshot tool. This allows you to choose the format that best suits your needs and preferences.

Default Image Format

The default image format is PNG.

Choosing between PNG and JPG will impact the file size and quality of the image.

  • PNG is ideal for websites with text, iconic graphics and images
  • JPEG is ideal for websites with many photographs

Screenshot Request - JPEG

Here is an example request to turn a URL into a JPEG screenshot: (note: JPG or JPEG is valid):

// Line breaks added for readability

Your API key can be found on the API Keys page. Need an API Key? Sign up to get started.
For internal applications, replace YOUR_API_KEY with your own unique API Key.
For public facing websites or hotlinks, generate a signed URL.

Screenshot Response - JPEG

URL to JPEG screenshot example (307KB):

URL to JPEG Screenshot

Screenshot Request - PNG

Here is an example request to turn a URL into a PNG screenshot: (note: &format=png is optional since the default format is png):

// Line breaks added for readability

Screenshot Response - PNG

URL to PNG screenshot example (560KB):

URL to PNG Screenshot