Scheduled Website Screenshots

With Add Screenshots, you can capture automated website screenshots at scheduled intervals and store your images securely on your cloud storage account. Set the capture frequency to hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or add your own custom schedule such as one-minute intervals.

  • Improved Workflow Efficiency: Save time by automating the process of taking screenshots and storing them securely in your cloud storage account.
  • Flexible Capture Frequency: Choose from a variety of capture frequencies to fit your specific needs, or create your own custom schedule.
  • Secure Storage: Store your website screenshots in your own cloud storage account for added security.
  • Monitor Changes: Keep track of website changes and monitor website uptime with regular, scheduled screenshots.

Scheduling Guide

How to schedule screenshots

Scheduling is available on the left side menu after logging into the Add Screenshots Portal.

Screenshots can be captured in 3 easy steps:

  1. Storage Account Template Create a storage account template to define where to store your screenshots
  2. Request Template: Create an optional request template to define how to take a website screenshot
  3. Schedule: Create a schedule to define websites to take screenshots of and when to take it

The Storage Account Template and Request Template can be reused by multiple schedules. Each schedule can take screenshots of different websites and at different frequencies.

1. Storage Account Templates

Create reusable storage account templates by selecting where to store screenshots such as:

The folder name and file name can also be specified to save the screenshots using configurable folder and file path pattenrs.

A sample storage account configuration is shown below:

Storage Account Configuration

2. Request Templates

Create reusable request templates by configuring how to take screenshots such as the viewport size, image quality, file format and more.

A sample request template is shown below:

Scheduled Request Template

3. Schedules

Create one or many schedules based on your requirements. A schedule will define the websites to take screenshots of, when to take screenshots, where to store screenshots and how to take screenshots.

A sample multi-page screenshot is shown below:

Schedule Multiple Screenshots

How to create a custom schedule

Custom schedules use a CRON expression, which is time-based scheduled task based on a time zone.

Cron Expression

The basic format of the CRON expression is: {minute} {hour} {day of the month} {month} {day of the week}

e.g. * * * * * (run every minute)

The following values are allowed for the different placeholders:

Field Format of valid values
Minute 0-59
Hour 0-23
Day of the month 1-31
Month 1-12
Day of the week 0-6 (Sunday to Saturday)

Cron Examples

Visit for a quick and simple cron scheduler expression editor.

Expression Description Runs at
* * * * * every minute 09:00 09:01 ... 10:01
*/5 * * * * every 5 minutes 09:00 09:05 ... 10:05
0 * * * * every hour (hourly) 09:00 10:00 ... 11:00
0 */6 * * * every 6 hours 06:00 12:00 ... 18:00
0 8-18 * * * every hour between 8-18 08:00 09:00 ... 18:00
0 0 * * * every day (daily) Feb 1 00:00 ... Feb 2 00:00
0 10 * * * every day at 10:00 Feb 1 10:00 ... Feb 2 10:00
0 * * * 1-5 every hour on workdays Feb 7 (FRI) 23:00 ... Feb 10 (MON) 00:00
0 0 * * 0 every Sun (weekly) Feb 9 (SUN) 00:00 ... Feb 16 (SUN) 00:00
0 9 * * 1 every Mon at 09:00 Feb 3 (MON) 09:00 ... Feb 10 (MON) 09:00
0 0 1 * * every 1st of the month (monthly) Feb 1 00:00 ... Mar 1 00:00
0 * * * 0 every hour on Sun Feb 9 (SUN) 23:00 ... Feb 16 (SUN) 00:00
0 0 1-7 * 0 every first Sun of the month at 00:00 Feb 2 (SUN) 00:00 Apr 1 (SUN) 00:00
5 23 * * * daily at 23:05 (11:05 pm) Feb 2 23:05 ... Feb 3 23:05
45 23 * * 6 every Sat at 23:45 (11:45 pm) Oct 24 23:45 ... Oct 21 23:45
0 9 * * 1 every Mon at 09:00 Oct 19 09:00 ... Oct 26 09:00

Scheduled screenshots with Cloudy Scheduler

Add Screenshots, your favorite website screenshot service, is using Cloudy Scheduler to schedule website screenshots!

With Cloudy Scheduler, we can automate our screenshot taking process, ensuring that we capture your website's latest updates on a regular basis, without any manual intervention required. This means faster turnaround times, improved accuracy, and greater convenience for our valued customers.

Cloudy Scheduler's user-friendly interface and powerful scheduling capabilities have made it the ideal choice for our automated screenshot taking needs. Their fully managed service has enabled us to focus on delivering high-quality screenshots to our customers, while they take care of the underlying scheduling infrastructure.

Try Add Screenshots with Cloudy Scheduler today and experience the convenience of automated website screenshot taking!