Crop Area

Crop an area of a screenshot image.

Cropping a screenshot will extract a portion of the image such as a logo, table or section.

Use the Website Area Tool wizard to create the API payload effortlessly, complete with preview options.

Crop Area Parameters

Three parameters are usually required to crop an area:

  1. Viewport (e.g. what is the size of the area to crop)
  2. X Coordinate (what is the top-left vertical start position to crop the image)
  3. Y Coordinate (what is the top-left horizontal start position to crop the image)

The X and Y coordinates are optional and will default to 0,0 (top left corner).

Crop Area Example

The example below shows how to crop an area from a screenshot starting from the top-left X 645 and Y 184 coordinates using a viewport area of 643x296.

// Line breaks added for readability


Your API key can be found on the API Keys page. Need an API Key? Sign up to get started.
For internal applications, replace YOUR_API_KEY with your own unique API Key.
For public facing websites or hotlinks, generate a signed URL.

Cropped Screenshot

How to find the area and coordinates

A typical approach to find the area and coordinates is to:

  1. Take a full-size screenshot
  2. Open the full-size screenshot in an image editor (such as Paint on Windows)
  3. Use the image editor to find the coordinates and area as shown below
  4. Set the viewport and coordinates parameters when taking a crop area screenshot

Screenshot find crop area