High Quality Website Screenshots with Device Pixel Ratio (DPR)

Elevate your website screenshots to the next level by adjusting the device pixel ratio (DPR). Increasing the DPR enhances image quality, making them ideal for various purposes, including printing.

Default DPR and Customization Options

By default, screenshots are captured with a DPR value of 1, which corresponds to 100% zoom. However, with our plans, you have the flexibility to adjust the DPR:

  • Starter Plan: DPR 1 (standard image size)
  • Pro Plan: DPR 2
  • Enterprise Plan: DPR 3 (large image size)

Each increment in DPR produces higher resolution screenshots, ensuring sharper details and clearer text.

Examples of Different DPR Settings

Let's explore how DPR affects screenshot quality with examples:


With a DPR set to 1, you get a standard-sized screenshot with clear details suitable for most applications.

// Line breaks added for readability https://api.addscreenshots.com/screenshots


Your API key can be found on the API Keys page. Need an API Key? Sign up to get started.
For internal applications, replace YOUR_API_KEY with your own unique API Key.
For public facing websites or hotlinks, generate a signed URL.

URL to PNG with a DPR set to 1 (1024x768 @ 730KB).

Screenshot with DPR of 1

DPR 2 (Retina)

Increase the DPR to 2 for Retina-quality screenshots with double the resolution, perfect for showcasing fine details.

// Line breaks added for readability https://api.addscreenshots.com/screenshots

URL to PNG with a DPR set to 2 (2048x1536 @ 2.25MB):

Screenshot with DPR of 2 - Retina


For the highest quality screenshots, opt for DPR 3, delivering exceptional clarity and detail for the most demanding applications.

// Line breaks added for readability https://api.addscreenshots.com/screenshots

URL to PNG with a DPR set to 3 (3072x2303 @ 4.66MB):

Screenshot with DPR of 3