Interact with Elements

Discover how to interact with a button, link, or other elements before capturing a screenshot.

This feature is particularly useful for handling pop-up messages and notifications.

Specify Element for Interaction

You need to specify the name of the element to interact with, such as a link or button. The interaction can be specified by:

  • Text such as &click=OK
  • Name such as &click=mybutton
  • Id such as &click=#mybotton
  • Class Name such as &click=.gdpr-button

Check out our element selection examples for more details.

To interact with multiple items, repeat the click parameter such as &click=.button1&click=.button2

Example of Button Interaction

The screenshot below displays a website with a "This site uses cookies..." header and an OK button.

Screenshot with a notice

Example 1: Locate the button labeled "OK" and click on it to dismiss the notice.

// Line breaks added for readability

Your API key can be found on the API Keys page. Need an API Key? Sign up to get started.
For internal applications, replace YOUR_API_KEY with your own unique API Key.
For public facing websites or hotlinks, generate a signed URL.

Example 2: Locate the button by the class name ".gdpr-viewed-action" and click on it to dismiss the notice.

// Line breaks added for readability

Interact with button and capture Screenshot